Friday 15 December 2006

Sick, Tired And Uninspired

Food poisoning. Wonderful. Right when I am horrendously busy at work (and will be even busier when I go back next week after a few days lying around at home, groaning and being capable of sweet FA) and have a list of things I need to do personally that's so long the top and bottom of it are in different time zones!


I must be off-colour: I keep seeing & reading stuff that makes my blood boil but I can't be arsed to string a few words together for a rant. But I did mange to update my website :) New fractals are in these two sections:
Recent Apo

Anyway, here's a jolly little number enititled "Xmas Lights". Hope y'all are in a better state than me :)


TotalChaos said...

I'm not even sick and I'm uninspired and a grump. Maybe I'll get over it after the holidays. No, family around anymore to have Christmas with.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Gill. You poor lassy....of all times to get food poisoning! Not that there IS a good time. I sincerely hope that things get better for you very soon because. Take a break from everything possible and recharge yourself. If I don't get back here before, here's wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and an outstanding New Year. (big hugs!)
And to Gordon, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year that will bring you new friends to spend the holidays with.

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Nice sparkly fractal! Figured I'd come over to visit you and Dzeni, too, since I've been suffering from fractalist's block. Always nice to see some images which inspire me. Hope you had a nice Christmas and I wish you a happy New Year, too!